Guest Post Guidelines

Thank you for considering for guest posting. We welcome high-quality contributions from fellow enthusiasts of bedroom décor and wall design. To maintain the integrity of our platform and ensure compliance with Google AdSense policies, we have established the following guidelines for guest post submissions:

Content Guidelines

1. Originality: All submissions must be original, unique content created by you. We do not accept content that has been previously published elsewhere, including on your own blog.

2. Relevance: Posts must be directly related to bedroom wall ideas, designs, decor tips, or related topics. Content that does not align with our niche will not be considered.

3. Length: Articles should be a minimum of 800 words. Longer, in-depth pieces are encouraged, provided they offer value to our readers.

4. Quality: We value well-written, grammatically correct, and engaging content. Please ensure that your submission is free from spelling and grammatical errors.

5. Images: Include high-quality, royalty-free images related to the topic. Provide proper attribution if required. Do not use copyrighted images without proper licensing.

6. Links: You may include one or two relevant, non-promotional links to authoritative sources to support your content. We do not allow affiliate links or excessive self-promotion.

7. Formatting: Use subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to enhance readability. Ensure that your content is properly formatted and easy to skim.

8. Author Bio: Include a brief author bio (maximum 50 words) along with a high-resolution photo. You may include one link to your personal website or social media profile.

Submission Process

1. Pitch: Before submitting a full article, send a brief pitch outlining your proposed topic, along with a short author bio, to [email address]. We will review the pitch and respond within [X] business days.

2. Approval: Once your pitch is approved, you may proceed with writing the full article.

3. Review: Submit the article in a Word document or Google Doc format. Our team will review it for adherence to guidelines and overall quality.

4. Edits: We may request revisions or suggest edits to enhance the article’s quality and alignment with our platform.

5. Final Submission: Once the article meets our standards, it will be scheduled for publication.


1. Promotional Content: We do not accept content that serves as a promotional piece for a product, service, or company.

2. Plagiarism: Any form of plagiarism will result in immediate rejection.

3. Irrelevant Content: Content that does not align with our niche or provides little value to our audience will not be accepted.

4. Hate Speech or Offensive Material: We do not tolerate any form of hate speech, discriminatory language, or offensive content.

5. Illegal or Inappropriate Content: Any content that promotes illegal activities or goes against ethical standards will not be considered.

By submitting a guest post to, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to these guidelines. We reserve the right to edit or remove content that does not comply with our policies.

We look forward to your valuable contributions!